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How can you write such an incredible story? Respect dude. I played Chapter 6 on the release day and Im still hoping that the end scene was just a nightmare of James... (yeah who would stop hoping) Keep goin on Drifty!


This is the best game, like... of all. The story is great, characters are all awesome, this is the first lewd game where I've genuinely wanted to help set my 'best friend' character up. The music video portions are amazingly done, the characters seem real and relatable and not just 'harem bingo'. Great stuff.


Truly epic drifty that is true gaming right there and sorry for your loss and to all the haters you obviously dont see a great game when it's staring at you and think how hard it was for drifty to make them scenes given what happened in rl so show some respect and keep up the great work respect drifty


Holy Shit!, I wasn't expecting that ending at all I was crying when I finished it. Such a beautiful game I can't wait for Chapter 7 :)


I....I am speechless as I type this, the new update is so captivating and its impossible to not be emotionally invested in Cece, even from the start.

The final scenes had me in tears, kinda wish I stopped at the disclaimer as I've been there before.

I can't wait to see how the rest of the game plays out.


Man...I honestly don´t know what to say! This game was just beautiful. Your story telling was just pure art and all the characters were just perfect. Cece´s character is so lovely, but most times people with depression are the most caring ones for their friends. This game was something different. It was an emotional roller coaster for me. You triggered so many emotions in me during my playthrough and had me crying in the end, because I was so sucked in by the story. Also the song Blue from Faith Richards might be my new favorite song I just can´t stop listening to it. Keep up the good work.


I love your work. It really sucked me in. Amazing  story telling and programing. But this was to heavy. Even with the disclamer people will watch it. Anyone  who has lost a loved one to this could get massively wrecked by this.... to the point of even doing what you depicted in that final scene. For me  I was gonna save her story for my final play through when you finished the game. The true heros journey. But that's screwed up now.  Also for anyone that says it's real man I call bs cause I know for a personal fact you can always  be pulled  back from the brink if someone makes it there in time. Specially if it's a loved one.  But hey it's your IP. I am just not sure I can support your work anymore.


Relax, it's just a game (plus the sudden pulse from the heartbeat monitor in the ends might hint something, idk)


its not in the creators hands if the viewer decides to still view the distressing scenes even when told NOT TO, if it reflects a personal matter. Also yeah people can be saved if the right person comes at the right time, but everyone's different. Some people just can't be saved (as heart-breaking as it is). Nonetheless I respect your decision and I somewhat agree, especially if your "walkthrough" is for YouTube where they have a large young audience.

(1 edit) (+2)

What a chapter.  Really great writing.

Everything seemed going so fine. And then it's turned upside down. I loved Cece from the start and really care about her. A testament to your skill at writing.

It's the second time a VN was able to give me such a numb feeling (other time was the bad ending in Summer Scent), and the horror when connecting the dots with MC beforehand and realizing what she is planning to do. Couldn't sleep for a while, as it reminded me of the brother of my best man.

After marrying, we had a party with the family and two days later with our friends. Due to a spur of a moment, I asked my best man on the mornig of the party to invite his brother to the party. He came with him and I was wondering during the party, why his brother seemed a little strange and a little bit of clingy to me.  

The next day my friend told me, that this invitation had probably saved his brother who was just a step before doing it when he called him. I still think about it even 23 years later he is still alive and passed those dark times).

Thank god this was the only time people I know personally brushed with suicide and that small things (even unknowingly) could have a big impact (positivly in this case). I feel sorry for everyone who had to experience this personally and wish them all the best.


I went and rewinded... It is not just a game, so thank you very much.

Is there a way to get Robin's pin code number to take control of her toy?

What am I missing?

When sitting down beside Cece (slightly before this) to comfort her, bring up your phone and send a message to her.

Afterwards, go through your Nuke app after the screens where Robin is dancing, right before Cece enters.  Find the picture of Kira and search it for clues.

When I text with CeCe, it ends with a hug, fade to black and then my date with Lexi pops up; Robin's dance sequence does not play. Where am I going wrong?

Hmm. I don't really know. This worked for me. Might be that somewhere previously in the game you indicated that you did not want Robin ?

you get it the pin from Kira's picture but you do it after Robin tells you she's going to go try her toy out. It will say I need to find her pin number. You pull up nuke and go to kira's picture. it's basically the numbers on robin's sn.

When the screen shows robin dancing after showing you the toy, and right before cece pops into view it says something on screen along the lines of "I wonder what her code is" (heavily paraphrased), go to Nuke and look for one of the pictures of Kira (i found on the one of her in the dress walking to your house) and theres the option to look at robins user name.

Thanks, I'll give it a go.


Now I'm heartbroken. But even more: I am sorry for your loss. 

Why would you do that to me man? god dammit.


Man, screw you for making me cry. Keep up the good work,  eagerly waiting for the next update 


I REALLY HATE YOU! BURN IN HELL.  I so often have to deal with those same emotions and this ending has so boosted them again. I knew how it would end but hoped I was wrong. But no!

Deleted 2 years ago

First let me say I'm sorry for my beginning outburst. I'm a combat vet who saw way too many friends die and brought all that home with me. I still can't let that go even seeing psychiatrists all these years. I got into Leap of Faith cause it was showing me a happier side of side even though it wasn't real. But then I found myself so attached to CeCe cause her life, dark as it was, matched mine. Many times I wished I could have done want she final did. But her life seemed to be on a good track finally and seeing her just give up like that, I just totally broke down in disbelief. Why! Was all I could say. And if she could finally do it to get away from her demons then why not me. I really feel my struggles each and every day cause I see myself and it's hell! I'm trying hard not to think, but easier said than done. Strange that I would have a date coming up soon to see my psych, but I don't know what to say to her. You have written the most incredible story I have ever read but in a way I'm sorry I read it. My brain just was not ready for that mirror to look into. Again sorry and keep writing,

(1 edit) (+4)

First of all, thank you very much for coming back with a followup comment. I absolutely applaud you. I can fully understand reactions to this chapter, although 99.9% of them are good. Leap of Faith is very much about feelings, or rather to feel. I do know that for some feelings are hard (if you read the text at the end), but I will do my utmost to make it up to you in the following chapter, and I hope that you will find peace with your demons and can live alongside them.

Secondly, did you notice the heartbeat at the very end of this chapter?

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

i shouldnt ignored the warning at the end. seriously guys, If you ever had a suicidal thoughts in your life you must skip chapter 6 end scene, its not a joke !

Deleted 245 days ago
Deleted 2 years ago

So i have Leap of Faith 5.1c , i downloaded the 6.1 and it tells me its a patch, what do i exactly do to play Chapter 6? I don't know how to really play otherwise, aka I'm clueless , any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Also, With the attempt to start a party, it says there are no songs available, what do I do there?

I've just tried launching the game and it comes back with error and when I wanna load my save file or press ignore it takes me back to chapter 1, I'm really annoyed because I really don't wanna go through the entire story again. It took me so long to get every girls happy ending up til chapter 6. what do I do?


the ending to chapter 6 was absolutely phenomenal man, really sensitive and touching end. can't wait for ch7, love the storyline, artwork and overall progression of this novel. 11/10


What does the heartbeat monitor mean?

(1 edit) (+1)

its symbolising the fact that cece was "dying" or "dead" because it flatlined, but if you watch til the very end, there's an extra beat. probably meaning shes not fully under. We'll have to wait and see in chapter 7 though.

(1 edit) (+1)

Dude you knocked this one out of the park again, best VN around.

Just hope Cece is ok as it is just a game like it says at the end, already looking forward to Ch 7.

Deleted post

WOWW chapter 6 completely fucked me up. What a great cliff hanger. Absolutely amazing I'd definitely say this story is in my top 3 and that your 100% going places. I don't know if you know who Dr. Pink Cake is, but he wrote 2 of my favorite visual novels and I'd definitely put you in the same top tier category as him. Can't wait for chapter 7. Great job!

Deleted 245 days ago

YESS do it! It almost sort of resembles Acting Lessons. You'll see.

Deleted 245 days ago
Deleted 245 days ago

just saw your comment and wanted to look for Dr. Pink Cake but I cant find him here..

Dr. Pink Cake's visual novels are on steam and patreon.


what date does ep 6 go live publicly?


Just now! :)

thank you so much!


just finished the first chapter and im definitly enjoying this visual novel.


That was an amazing experience. Props for you guys, really top notch work. 
The game has a really nice plot and great relatable characters, laughed, cried, felt happy and sometimes sad so it was really a unique rollercoaster.
Also,  great selection on your OST, some songs really push the mood in certain scenes. Im curious to see where you take the story in the next chapters.

Hey, so I followed the download instructions but never had a overwrite prompt show up and when I do open it it's missing images/sound ect. Just hoping for a push in the right direction :)


Download both 0.4.5 and 0.5.1 and unzip both of them.

Navigate into the 0.5.1 unzipped folder until you see the executable LeapofFaith.exe.

Use CTRL+A to select all files and folders (including the game, renpy and lib folders) and CTRL+C to copy.

Navigate into the 0.4.5 unzipped folder until you see the executable LeapofFaith.exe

CTRL+V to paste the copied contents. You should be prompted with a "do you want to overwrite" for a lot of files. Click yes to overwrite.

Run the game from the 0.4.5 folder - which is now patched to 0.5.1 (should display so in the upper right hand corner of the main menu).

If this doesn't work for you, feel free to ask for more help should you need it. :)

just downloaded v0.5.1 and right from the the start there are missing screens even before you get to the menu and at the start of the V.N.


Due to my file limit here on Itch, I had to make chapter 5 into a patch - meaning it contains the chapter 5 images only.

In order to play 0.5.1 after downloading, unzip it and copy it into the 0.4.5 folder after unzipping (select overwrite when asked about it), then run 0.4.5 as you normally would. If the top right corner of the main menu screen shows 0.5.1, you've done it correctly.

I have made a post at the top of this page, also on the download page, and in addition to that I answered you message about three months ago when you asked the same question - if you scroll down a bit. :)

If you have problems patching, then you can download chapter 1-5 in one go at my patreon page:

(if you download chapter 1-5 in one go, install it anywhere. your saves are still intact).


Thanks a heap!! I believe I was only copying the game launcher file. Very new to pc gaming so thanks for the extra help! love the game so far :)


I rarely ever comment, but this game had me hooked from the get go.  Such lovable characters, the scene and story building is wonderful.  I am rarely emotionally invested in a VN character, but there are a few characters I really connected to in this story..

Awesome job, will be supporting your patreon as well.  Can't wait for  the update.


I just discovered Leap of Faith yesterday and I just had to leave this comment.

For anyone reading: This comment contains some major spoilers for one of the girls in the game.




I chose to focus on Cece in my playthrough because she just appealed to me the most from the get go and oh boy what a journey it has been so far. I am currently at Lexi's house just when Cece and MC have Sex for the first time and I just wanted to say Thank you for making this game. I am in a pretty rough spot in my life right now and seeing Cece's struggles and how MC and literally everybody loves her and helps her ... helps. I am bonding with her a lot and I can't wait to see how the story progresses. Also this is the first VN I am ever playing where the music really enhances and supports the gameplay. It is an excellent choice, the humor (like the bunny dancing / singing scenes) fits it perfectly and it is a really really great game so far. I will pledge to Patreon as soon as I am in a better spot financially because this game deserves way more praise and attention than it seems to be getting so far.

We don't know each other, but please stay safe and healthy Drifty, looking forward to all your future content. Have a good one.

Please can you tell us how long shall we wait for the chapter 6. Pleaseeeeeeese.


I've not gotten close enough to pinpoint a date yet, but it's coming along nicely.

I'm working on it every single day, so every day you have to wait is more content in the release.


Yes take your time , There is no rush.

Great character interactions, cute animations, and a great fun journey to follow through. 

*Spoiler* Don't read if you haven't played the game yet


The one thing that keeps bugging me is Steph's age and her relationship with the MC. If the game takes place after 2 years Steph leaves the MC without contact, and right now she's 26, how old was she when she moved to the school? The main character is 24 if I'm not mistaken and Chris said they all know each other for almost a decade. Did she have a romantic relationship with a minor when she was an adult? Bruh...


Thank you for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

Steph joined up with them much later on, about a year after the events of his 17th birthday. Those who had known each other for a decade was a reference to Linda(/Matt/Chris).

Thanks for replying. So the thing she did for her work was indeed dating a minor? Hahaha, damn dude by all means. I'm not here to judge or anything. I'm just here to enjoy the story, especially with Cece, Kira and Lexi.

jus' sayin', there are 28 games called leap of faith on this platform

(3 edits)

spoiler alert for those that have yet to play this vn, do not read below!!

Let me first ask this, because I have played through this vn until the end of chapter 5.  I saved Cece's life. We fell in love and then i sent her back to the mc's residence and he told her to wait for him there etc.  

Is it possible to fall in love and date any of the other women? What about getting back with stephanie?  He Tells chris he will always love her and they had sex just after the metro, mc tells stephanie he loves her (after she drags him back to her place and he ends up jumping out the window).

near the end of chapter 4, speaking to holly he suddenly doesn't love stephanie anymore (is the mc really that childish he has to come out with saying that? when he knows he stills loves her no matter what and would have his nuts cut off to be back with her imo) , that makes absolutely no sense at all..what makes even less sense is that when he meets her and she tells him everything, suddenly any love he has for as vanished into thin air?? I was hoping to go through a playthrough with both of them being back together again, but no matter what i do, it always ends the same way near the end with cece telling me to go and speak to stephanie..she is always there.  what makes even less sense is, it seems to me at least, the mc always ends up with cece, unless i have done something wrong on each playthrough? 

I really dont wanna waste time trying to fall in love and be with the other girls if its impossible. so is it possible or is cece the only one and all the rest are actually shallow fill in's?) I would really like the choice who i fall in love with, not be cajoled into being forced with cece no matter how beautiful she is, inside and out.  If it is, then why dangle carrots on a string that are not obtainable, it just makes the game 1 time playable, with no replay value at all if thats really the case.

I am just trying to find out if the above is possible? coz i dont wanna go around in circles wasting hours for no reason if its not possible. I already have the save on cece for when the next chapter comes out.

(1 edit) (+2)

You can select one of the other girls at the beginning of chapter 4 if you want to see their routes for this game. There is a total of 58 variation endings planned.

oh thanks! so does that actually mean you can fall in love with any of the girls (except steph) just like i did with cece in my first play through?


Steph is also a Love Interest if you play it right. I ended up with her on one of my playthroughs. Cece is my favorite, but I also like the story with Linda and Steph.

Is there a walkthrough do you know for this game, I think I would find it kind of tedious to repeatedly go through the same actions again and accidentally make silly choice mistakes only to end up back with Cece again. I do adore Cece, she is so adorable! I mean she might not exactly be the prettiest girl there, I do quite like Holly a lot too.  Do you know if Holly is actually datable too? 

I have a few more AVN's to go through, but I would like to  replay this one again, and without a walkthrough, I hope I don't end up with the same conclusion hehe


Hi Everyone,

a truly great game. I know someone already asked it bellow but no one answered so I am asking it again,

how do you get the option on the yachts to say you would not mind including holly? (Chapter 5)

Many thanks :)

P.S. Any idea when the next update is coming out?

I think the most important choice is when you first meet Holly. Picking "I'm conflicted" should be the first step in opening something with her. (And doesn't hurt with Lexi.)

I think you can also get bonus points with Holly if you have a good "flirty" score, so try to favor those options if you can. Not sure if it's necessary though. 

Otherwise, take conversation options and get a good look at her when she's smoking on the balcony. I think that should be enough.

Sorry but I still can't select that option.
Has anyone actually been able to go for that option? I can't find anything about this over the web...

(3 edits)

The only thing needed to open up the Holly option on the yacht is to move around the "Holly-roam" screen with her until you see no more dialogues pop up as you move around. There is a total of 9 screens with 0 to 3 dialogues each, depending on your previous choices.

If you want to aim for the Holly ending (not a real ending, but a lightweight one), you will have to check Holly's contact info on your phone after the yacht and the "love meter" has to be completely full by then.

might sound odd but are there sex scenes and nudity? i didnt see anywhere you state hence why i ask. thanks


Yes there is, although those aren't main focus of this vn. I strongly recommend to give this one a try, it's one of the best ones I've played.


thanks for your reply! was such a touching story about cece i fell in love with her.  really not happy about that creep in the tree taking photos of the mc and cece and then bizzarely meeting up with his dad, i get a very very bad feeling about all of this i really do. I just hope he doesnt do anything bad to the mc or any of the girls, especially cece, seems i have invested some real life emotions in to this game its that good. love the girls and i love the interactions.



The guy "stalking" MC is actually from Homeland protecting him. If you don't bring Steph to Lexi's place, she's there instead of the creepy guy.

the guy stalking him is actually protecting the mc?  how do you bring steph to lexi's place?

Be nice and forgiving to Steph, and in chapter 4 when you go to meet her you get the option.

Yeah, there are no images. They are apparently missing.


have you installed chapters 1-4 first?


Check the bold message at the top of this page. :)


And that there solved my issues. So far. Thx

hey.. i dont know how often you check this.. i just DL and I seem to have no sound whatsoever.. am i missing something?

im hesitant to start it with no sound. I feel like It might be an integral part of the game



Hey I just want to let you know that I really love your game

I just have a question how can I complete the task for Chris in terms of match-making as it always shows opportunitiy missed either Linda or Holly.

Am I missing something? I'm trying to hook him to Holly but I don't see anything really even tried when doing both Lexi and Holly scene but then after that, I see the task failed which I think I made the wrong decision.


This is a bug. The task in the task app on the phone will always show as 'failed' because the deadline passed. As long as the task doesn't have a red background, or you get a popup message somewhere saying it failed, you're safe.

When chapter 6 is out, this will correct itself on the very first screen, so you don't need to do, or replay anything, to fix it.


Hey, thanks for the response :) if you don't mind how many episodes do you have in mind for this game/project? And if it's going to be finished are you planning to upload this to steam? As I'm definitely going to buy it.

I will definitely be supporting you on your Patreon so even if you finish this project I will be looking forward to your new game. I don't know why you don't have much attention yet, or supporters, but just keep doing your best and your game is one of the best AVN out there.

why image not found all the time


Probably because you didn't read the instructions and only downloaded Chapter 5 without installing Chapters 1-4 first.

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