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Could you make a more in depth guide on how to add the 0.7.0 patch to the 0.4.51 game on Mac specifically. I am not the most tech savvy lol. Thanks!


Really great job with Chapter 7.  About half way through chapter 7 I almost gave up because it was looking so dark for CeCe and even the MC.  I paused the whole thing for nearly two weeks before going back and finishing the chapter - and I have to say "Nice Save after what you did in Chapter 6!"  I wanted a  positive outcome because of the back story of the several characters you've created that have turned out to have depth.  I'm wondering now where you're going to go with the next update.  Thanks for the great work so far!  You've got me hooked!


So, I wanna put this in a way that doesn't give any spoilers for people taking a look at comments before playing.
Basically, I planned on playing through the game multiple times, focusing on different girls throughout. I decided for my first one "Hm, this girl is definitely my favorite. I think I'll go with her." Just finished Chapter 6, and, her being the focus of the Chapter ending, it's just got me wondering whether I chose the absolute best girl to be my first playthrough, or the absolute worst.
Either way, incredible writing. Definitely has particular aspects that many writers would choose to avoid, but I think it makes it better. And thank you for the warnings for people who might be triggered by particular things. I'm not easily triggered by things like it, but I definitely had tears in my eyes. Well done. Good luck working on the game in the future, and I look forward to more content.
P.S. I'm definitely not done playing. Still got plenty more girls to be with. And I've only seen half of the screens!

She's my fave too. :-) I'd save her for last.

I had the same thought when I did the chapter 6 :(

You know, with a story this beautiful and powerful, it seems somehow wrong to ask for help with gameplay details. But I'm going to anyway. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get Lexi >= 20 by the time the "Aww, they got all the best beds" option comes up in chapter 3, or how to get the PIN for Robin's dildo in chapter 4. Any help?


For Robin's pin, you need to check out the social media when MC is wondering what is the pin. In fact, the pin is in her username, so check out lots of post and at some point MC will figure out the pin.

Thank you!

Did you ever figure out the Lexi>20 "Aww, they got all the best beds" option? I played through several times now trying to get it, still nothing.

Yes! The trick is hitting all the +romance options, including starting out selecting romance as your first attribute.

Could someone please tell me where I can get the DJ kink soundtrack?


Any chance of having this on Android??


I love stories. The writing is excellent. It had me captivated. Like a good book by my favorite authors, I could not put it down until it was complete. Had me all in my feels. Leap of Faith deserves an award.


First of all I'm really enjoying the game so far, it's really well put together and has a lot of great characters, personally rooting for huge polycule ending but... I have no idea if it was accidental and it's definitely not a bad thing but has anyone told you the MC looks extraordinarily like John Mayer? Lol, had to ask if there was some inspiration there.


This is some of the best storytelling I've seen in a visual novel, easily ranking among the top adult VNs. 

It's also, in a sense, one of the most difficult. In addition to the serious emotional subject matter, it's insanely hard to choose a love interest for the MC because they're all so well developed and likeable. It's not about the MC's happy ending, it's about theirs, and picking any one of the girls means saying no to the rest. 

It's especially hard for me to rebuff Linda and Lexi, who are deeply invested in the possibility of a future with the MC. Cece and Steph come close, but both of them have an arc that approaches closure, while Kira and Robin have each other.

What pleases me most, however, is the response. The stereotype of the male "adult" VN connoisseur, or the idea that guys want just one thing... it's blown out of the water here. Male fans are so emotionally invested in the story that I think you could remove the erotic scenes with few complaints.

Fantastic job, keep up the good work!

Yeah I agree. I skipped past most of the erotic stuff except my first time with Cece.


I'm just so, so glad I got this after chapter 7 had been released. The rollercoaster of emotions within chapters 6 and 7 is just wild.

A great story, thanks Drifty.

This is an amazing game. The feels... Really hits u.
I loved the guest appearance of DJ Kink from Artemis VN

These are the type of games that I love. A great cast of characters all dealing with their own issues in life. I'm still playing through it, but I've been enjoying the ride. 


Where is the android download

Hey all. Really enjoying this game. I'm pretty new to this and am trying to add chapter 5&6. I see I have to move files, I'm just not sure which ones. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Anyone? Help!

for 5 and 6 i only moved game, lib and renpy. but for chapter 7 that didnt work and i just put all the files

First i wanna say amazing game. Definitely in my top 2 vns with Ripples.

Played chapter 1-6 but when i put the files for chapter 7 in the older version it doesnt open anymore does anyone know why or how to fix that? 

nvm i fixed it lmao


how'd you fix it?

at first i only put game, lib and renpy in the old file but after i put all files exept log and that worked

Awesome game and it's great that it's now on Steam. Sadly in Germany the store page is blocked so it can't be buyed.

Is it possible to sell the Steam key here on Itch like other developers do?

I would DM Drifty and ask that question.


Man that was nice. 

Looking forward to the next part! :-)

Does that mean I pay another $5 or do I get it because I already paid


If you already paid before it should be unlocked for you already, thats how it has worked for me on other games. I would assume its the same.

Just click on download and see if ch 7 is there to download if not then maybe you do,  I just paid for it myself as I never have needed to before but the game is worth it so.

Thank you. Im still fairly new here. I have bought and downloaded so many visual novels now


i know this is just a coincidence but with my birthday being 2 days after the release this is going to be the best birthday gift i have ever gotten

(1 edit) (+7)

I would just like to say that this is the best visual novel I have ever played! I played Being a DIK and Acting Lessons as my starters and they lead to way more, but this one is hands down the best one! I laughed, I cried, and I felt everything! The soundtrack is amazing and I would love to get my hands on it if possible(For personal use, like listening on my phone or at work). Thank you so much for all your time and hard work! I went in blind and really.. one of the best games I have ever played!

Yo, im new into this whole site and I dont understand how im supposed to merge the 4.51 version and the 6.1 version, do I only need to  pass the 6.1 into the 4.51 or do I have to go folder by folder?


Down load 1 to 4 and unzip. Then down load 5-6 and unzip. Open 5 and 6 then grab all the files and move to 1-4 file, overwrite when prompted. then hit exe in 4-5 to play (you can also rename file to chapter 1 to 6.)

Thanks bruv

I'm on a Mac. which files to I actually replace. I just lost my place in my game replacing the wrong files. Sorry. new to this. 

Sorry can't help with a Mac

If you just want chapter 6, download them both, right click and hit "show package contents" on both, drag the contents folder from 5-6 into 1-4, and then hit "merge" when it says that there are duplicates.


I just finished Chapter 6, and no real offense intended here but I agree with Koda and Gazza1230 - the ending was devastating.  I get the point about suicide as a problem  and would commend you on the quality not only of the overall story so far and in having this chapter in the novel.   But   I lost two friends in High School to suicide and another friend a few years later.  I, too, hope there is some redemption for Cece but the scenario is so real it hurts.


One of my hardest and deepest cries. I will feel that forever.


Ok, I was loving this one from the start. If the ending of 6 actually happened, and isn't some sort of dream, then fuck you.


Its not. Just watch the trailer for chapter 7.


Fuck you. for the ending of chapter 6.

I cried.

This is possibly the great story written. let alone adult visual model.


jesus this story is something else. played with 2 hands for once. is it based on a true story?


"is it based on a true story"
really, you have to ask that? you dont get out much do you

I believe it's inspired by a real loss, not so much based on it.

The suicide happened. Red the text screens after the suicide. The dev lays out the truth there.

Outstanding Story, High Quality 3d models, Depressing/Dark Story

Great Visual Novel, Not much on s*x scene but it's worth for the story

and It's Great Game

Deleted 1 year ago

couldn't agree more. Well said.

i just watched the chapter 7 release date video and noticed you had the patreon release date and the steam date is tba is this game getting taken off, if so i will gladly buy it on steam i just want to know


I want to keep this game here on Itch, even if I was forced to put the game behind a paywall on Patreon. But the vagueness in the video is due to me trying to find a good way to distribute the game across sites in fairness of those who supported it in some form along the way (those who voluntarily paid for an earlier release, or supported on Patreon).

I'll have more information when we're getting closer. And as for Steam, it will be released there a bit later then the main release, because it takes a bit of time getting the approval (even more so since it's an adult game), so it should have the bugfixes included too.

(1 edit) (+1)

oh okay I actually went to steam to see how much it would be (I hadn't even thought of the approval process at that point) so that i can support you that way as moneys a little tight and i cant support on patreon as much as i wish i could, to be honest i took this as a sign to finally give you money for such an amazing game 

********** SPOILERS AHEAD *********************

Also, your work on episode 6 really hit home because I've been where cece was at and I didn't have anyone like the mc to try to pull me back from the bridge so thank you for writing a character that is depressed and suicidal where most creators wouldnt touch a character like that with a 10 foot pole 


Dude Chapter 6 hit me so hard i fucking throw up. I had a friend that i was close with, in fact i was his only friend in town, we had a blast growing up. 1 day i met my (ex-wife) and moved away. was gone for 5 yrs. but came home one day and when by his house to catch up, i knew the family was still there because their cars. So, i walked up to say hi and see everyone. His dad answered the door, the look on his face left daggers in my heart, the only thing that came to my mind was "where is Jack". i asked for him. i found out the day before i got there he killed himself. His dad said that things changed after i left. it hurt me so fucking bad that my best friend was deeply depressed after i left to start my own life. it kills me still and that was 6 yrs ago.

And is Cp. 7 in a week or so?

december 22nd on patreon

Can't wait.


I dont know a better way to reach out to the author. Dont know if he will even read it, but thank you. It really sneaked up on me to be honest. It came out of the blue for me as well, its good to remember but you took the extra step. Thank you, well done.

(1 edit)

Great game, but I'm having trouble applying the update on a mac. Can someone explain how to apply the patch on mac os?  It's not as easy like on pc. 

So no Android


This game has such an amazing and involving story line.  Each and every character has a unique personality.  You can tell Drifty put a lot of time and care into developing this game..

I felt every emotion one could feel while playing this game.   It hits hard, gets real deep and explores areas of our emotions most Devs are too afraid to go.  

It's dark, quirky, sexy and fun all in one.

I cannot wait for the next update, and I plan on becoming a patreon as soon as I get paid next.

thank you for an amazing story drifty, can't wait to see where this goes next.



I just wanted to say that I've never been hit by a game so hard and that I admire you for having enough strength to make a game about a subject that is so painful for someone who has seen it at first hand, I wish you strength through out the following years and hope you won't ever have to experience something like this again. I was already kind of spoiled about Cece dying to a lack of spoiler warnings but the end credit scene wasn't expected at all. That a loving parent has to see their daughter do this to themselves is the worst thing ever and I can't imagine how hard it must've been to cope with it and then to also make a game where you discuss such a horrible subject.

Suicide is a real problem. Take it seriously or suffer the consequences. Don't ever forget to show a loved one how much you truly feel. Great game 5/5


This game really hit close to home. I had a girlfriend who took her life a few years back. I wasn't able to save her. The funny thing is, is that she looked almost exactly like Cece. So I went that route, trying to simulate a universe where she would have lived instead. Episode 6...really hit me hard though. Was not expecting it. The trailer for episode 7 helped a bit, but man I got to hand it to you. You made me feel feelings I haven't come to terms with in a VERY long time. This story is top notch and I look forward to seeing the completed story. 

Drifty, I feel what you were trying to communicate with this story. And honestly, thank you.

cant figure out how to get chapters 5 and 6 :( great game tho

take the files out of 0.6.1 and move them to the game folder of 0.4.51


I Downloaded this game today and also finished chapter 6 today. What can I say about the ending, I was speaking to my self like I was shouting "NO"

and then i burst out in tears, I was litterally crying felt so bad 

Anyway the game is amazing 10 out of 10 amazing job to all the developers 

I can't really explain how good this game is. Hope we get chapter 7 soon 

I can't wait (pls release it soon :-). I did not haave that many sex scenes cause I don't care about that I just love visual novels(I am basically into the story than the sex). And after playing this ofc it's on my top 5  AMZING JOB AGAIN! to everyone that worked to make this game so good. Also I want to ask if there is a way to get a different ending but I guess this not a good question since I saw the sneak peak on chapter 7(no spoilers).I also want to say that I went with LEXI as me girlfriend I mean one and only girlfriend. It was between her,CECE and STEPH after the story she told you (again no spoilers) damn man i still think the story now that I am writing this comment and I feel like crying 

Thanks so much to all the drifty team that worked so hard making this amazing game and story (I am emphasizing on hard since I was trying to make aa similar project, but it did not work out in the end) 

Anyway I don't want to make this comment so long so I'll just say AGAIN AMAZING WORK to all the DRIFTY TEAM (hope you release chapter 7 soon I can't wait tio see this amazing story continue) 

More than 100% recommended to check out this game 

In chapter 3 I can't get to choose any song, can someone help me? After I connect to external speakers it says "no song available" :(

a little old but you have to download Lexi's songs to your phone then you can connect to the speakers.

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