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I played through chapter 6 last night and I sobbed so bad that I sat there for like 10 minutes just processing my emotions.  I only got into visual novels recently and I'm so glad I found yours.  It's beautiful in every way.  You can tell that you actually put a lot of thought and work into every detail.  This is the kind of story that stays with you long after you finish reading.  I can't wait to see what else you have in store.  Also, I'm very sorry for your loss.  I struggle with depression every day and I know how scary and tough on your loved ones it can be.  You've made one of those rare stories where you can tell that the creator has a real grasp on the reality of depression.  I felt seen reading this.  Your daughter would be very proud of the incredible story you've created.  It's breathtaking.  Thank you!!

Deleted post

Just finished Chapter 7. This game had me laughing out of my chair, and crying like a baby (I am a very male man!). I fell in love with every character, even the male one's, and the story was better than a Hollywood movie! You, Sir, are a genius. I am looking forward to Chapter 8, and I will be queuing up for any follow up games, because Leap of Faith shows me or are a very special story teller...! :)

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I went with Cece. Very romantic

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Is she really die??

This is one of the TOP 5 Adult VN games EVER Made !


Top ONE!

Anyone know how to download these games on a steam deck?

Mega for Mac?

Hi drifty it is me again Brandon from Brandon’s Gaming i just wanted to ask is there a Heram Route ending.

I don't know at all. But I don't think there is a zero chance.

 I didn't expect it would hook me that way, but it was really nice to play. I love that the story is not all good and funny and has his deep/dark moments. These moments can hit us in our heart, and they give us so much more bounding towards the Story/Characters, and u really feel the sadness. I appreciate the fact it got these feelings, because it's good as human to experience these feelings from time to time and remember them so u can be grateful about the good stuff that happens to us. It is so important to feel all the different things and to open up even for the sad things to overcome them and never give up.

I have had good and bad in my life. So I felt for these characters. How Drifty can bring these characters and emotions to life, reminding me of my own life, is quite simply amazing!


man, this had me crying like a baby

so i guess this game is more than just sex romance and fetish

was sad when she jumped :(

Is there a route with Sea?


Android port?


I'm on Windows, and I've been having trouble adding the Chapter 5 & 6 patch.

(1 edit)

Hy sorry wegen meiner Rechtschreibung, habe im Dialekt geschrieben, wollte sagen das es eines der besten Games ist super Story und Charaktere, nur schade das es keine Musik mehr gibt hoffe beim nächsten mod. ist wieder eine dabei weil die Musik war auch der Hammer Lg


bitte was ? 


I'm learning German, and so I was happy to see a comment in German as I like to try to translate text I see in German into English, however, I have a single question for you: was?

Hey everyone and DriftyGames I have a question. I have been enjoying this game A LOT. I am on chapter 5 and I realize with the free version it stops at chapter 6. I have to purchase chapter 7 right? So I considered just buying the whole game on Steam but I was like... naaaahhh then I have to start all the way over. Then I noticed there's an issue with the music licenses on the Steam version and it's muted in the game there. To get the Chapter 7 download here do I just press download and pay $5 then it will show a link specifically for chapter 7? Or would I have to reinstall the whole game again?

I think you can move your files from the inch version to the steam one, you just need to enter on /steamapps/leapoffaith and then move the saves files.

Hey All!  I found this game a week ago and am amazed!  BUT, I'm having trouble (like others) with the Chapter 7 Itch download and patch.  I followed what Calzin posted 6 months ago in the "Chapter 7 - Itch Release" development log, but when I try to open the LeapofFaith.exe application, nothing happens. Can anyone help, please!


I read that post, too, but after looking at the archive, I just extracted the ch7 archive into my previous installation and had no problems whatsoever.

Goosebumps, nice job on the  trailer!


for the v6 patch which "specific" files need to be copy/pasted on PC i've been told certain ones and to just do all and still only plays to the edn of chapter 4

(2 edits)

Simply amazing, the story that you can have with each of the characters makes you want to see each of them separately, in addition to the plot that is seen in chapter 5 and 6, it simply caught me off guard but I already saw it coming, or something like that.

Anyway, here I support you, although it may be nothing, I hope that the feeling reaches you.

Dude, thanks for creating this game man, this wonderful story that you share with us. Touched me in the feelings.

Quick question. I already own your game on Steam and was just getting ready to start playing it when the whole music issue started so I have waited.  I know it is back on Steam now but you had to remove the original music from it, which I assume was in the game in a way that it added a great deal to the feel of the story.  My question is if I rebuy it here will I get the same version I have on Steam but with the original music still in the story? I don't mind doing that to support the game but I just wanted to make sure that would be the case before I did.  Thanks for the help.


To be able to create something so beautiful and incredible from the aftermath of a tragedy is a true gift and an inspiration. Thank you for sharing it with us.

(1 edit) (+2)

Downloaded it with not to much thought behind it other then hey thats in the top for a while now.
Frankly i cant express what kind of art this game is I mean fuck the porn aspect the story the emotions it transports is just insane 
The ups and downs the jokes I just cant anymore 
Even sitting here writing this i am crying Yes in part because it has sad parts (thought the biggest trigger has a warning and i stayed away from it) but mainly because diving into this game allowed me a Person who themselv has strong Mental Problems and in my day to day life litteraly does not feel emotion to go trought feelings of Joy fun suspense and the like comparable to what i feelt in probably the last 10 years combined.

thought one Warning while the game is overall pretty upbeat and fun it does have a Darker theme and as a person that knows it from my own life i can only say that if you suffer from these Problems it 
I straight up cant express it Its special 
and to the Creator Probs to you this game you createt can in this category of games Compare and easylie surpass games like Life is strange bye miles in certain ways Its Truly something Unique and i am Gratefull for being able to experience it 

(2 edits) (+1)

Downloaded chapter 1-4 last night and couldn't time until I finished (5 hours I think). It's soooooooooo flipping good! At first certain models of the ladies weren't doing it for me but that became an after thought as the story progressed. As many have said earlier, I came in not expecting much but gratuitous nudity and hopefully ok to good animations. Sir/ma'am you knocked my socks off with the quality of this VN. The models (once you see all of them), the soundtrack, the story, the more mature themes/plot. I appreciate that this doesn't take place in a school environment those type of VNs are kind of played out at this point .

The highest it highs what have you floating above the skyline while the lowest of lows will have you feeling subterranean.  I hate stating comparison between two different authors but your current work felt like I was playing through a DR. Pinkcake game (Acting lessons and DIKs) please understand that's amazing praise from me, since I consider his works the gold standard and I would place Leap of faith toe to toe with both of those VNs.

If there wasn't an sex in this game it would still be held in this regard, the tingling feeling I got from the anticipation from the next plot twist or revelation out weighed an need/desire to see GC boobs lol. I'm only halfway through, three more chapters to go, I got a feeling there's an immense emotional gut punch waiting for me, but I'm here for it. Can't wait to see what's in store!!!

*Edit, just started chapter 5 and I see what you're talking about with the cameos, I hate you yet love you so much!!!!!!  I love Jaye!!!!

**Edit, Guys not spoiling anything but please PLEASE go through the nuke app at all times through your playthroughs, it is pretty vital for the lack of emphasis it's given through out the game.


Just want to say this has been the best game I have ever played. What a rollercoaster, as a sufferer of mental health myself the story line is amazing. The maker of this game has clearly been through something as they can understand the in and outs of what has happened. And it's so close to my heart it made me ! A fifty year old man cry. Brilliant work brilliant game. I really hope you make another. 

Gratz on getting back on Steam. Purchased there, and now I have three ways to get the last chapter.

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This is one of my fav ero games because it honestly made me feels.

Don't abandon the game. Give us a happy ending.


Where is the steam version ?

It has been removed due to an issue with music copyright. Only those that already had the Steam version can still play it there.


Sad, the OST is fantastic :P


All I have to say is fuck you for making this heart-wrenching story with lovable characters only to put it in the fucking erotic category. I was looking for a quick jerk but instead, you gave me a rollercoaster of emotions. I feel bad for the person who rubbed one out to this story as the ending makes you feel like you had your eyes are waterfalls.  And fuck you for making this actually funny and (somewhat) wholesome. I could not and will not jerk to this because it feels so real.

Moral of the story

Fuck you for making the best VN I've ever played



I hope chapter 8 has a diamond ring and a ceremony.  How much do I have to donate to help make that happen.


What happened to the Steam version? It disappeared from the store.


wow @driftygames you broke me... so beautiful. speechless.  <3


man just played through ch 1 to 6 and i just wanna say holy shit i rarely get emotional but chapter 6 hit me like a truck in a way i Didn't see coming from an adult visual novel I'd love to continue the story but I don't think I have it in me to have the right mind set too all i was thinking was this cant be it it cant be the end i even went down what i thought would be the "right" path to prevent it but it wasn't the case, downloading this game was a mistake but it was an experience worthwhile while it lasted

There is a Chapter 7. That's all I'm saying, because I don't want to spoiler anything for you. Download and play Chapter 7.

Deleted 2 years ago

So I just finished Chapter 4 on Mac and I know 5 and 6 are out already but how do I add the patch to the game original game file? Dumb it down if u can please! Lol Thanks!!

I need to know too! I’m so bad with PCs 😂

I am by no means an expert since I'm a mac noob and can't exactly remember how I did it so the most important note below is Step 1.

  1.   Go to your Applications in Finder, make a copy of existing Leap of Faith as a backup (I just copyied mine to desktop).  If all the below steps don't work you can then just copy this back to Applications in place of the messed up version!
  2. In applications, right click the app and 'Show Package Contents'
  3. In a new finder window, go to the unzipped patch file and right click and 'Show Package Contents'
  4. Double click through to \Contents\Resources\Autorun
  5. Copy everything over to the equivalent location of the game in the Applications folder
  6. Hopefully it works!  As I say, can't remember how I did it exactly but it's something like the above - if it doesn't work then try copying over the contents within 'game' and 'renpy' separately.
  7. If it goes wrong, just delete the app and copy the backup from your desktop back into applications and experiment some more.

There may well be a simpler way to do it but as previously mentioned, I'm a mac noob!

Hi, I own the game on Steam but I wanted to tell you how much I loved this game. It's clearly my favorite AVN, no, my favorite game! The way you turned everything, the story got me from the start to the end, thank you so much! I hope I can find someday a game who let me go through all those feelings like you did, wish you all the best, take care!

(1 edit) (+4)

i'm on my 6th playthrough, and though i already know whats going to happen, this fucking game gets me every fucking time. such an emotional story. it has everything, it makes you laugh, it'll make you feel good, and then it'll reach into your chest and rip your heart out and make you cry. the story is really good, the characters are very likable. its one of the best visual novels ive played so far. cant wait for chapter 8. im hoping for a happy ending though, please no more sorrow,

hi “DriftyGames” is there going to be a 8th Chapter of “Leap of Faith” on “itch”, because i got the game on “Steam” but “Leap of Faith” is no longer available on “Steam”, so i like to know if your going to keep developing the “Leap of Faith” on “itch” be for i buy it again.

Yo wtf is with you and the """"""" like bro stop it's not that necessary 🤣


Hi there. Leap of Faith chapter 8 will be made available on Steam for those who already bought it, on Patreon, and on Itch when ready.

Hi & Thank You “DriftyGames” for the reply, i am so glad that i don’t have to buy it again, don’t get me wrong i love the game “Leap of Faith” & if i had to buy it again would buy it again, & it’s good to hear that your working with “Steam” for those who already bought Leap of Faith on “Steam” so thanks again “DriftyGames”.


Thanks Drifty for still posting it on Itch. Because in Germany you can't access these games on STEAM... And by the way: You've created a masterpiece :-) I love it

This game is truly incredible.  This is the best story I've seen yet, and the characters are so realized.  Bravo

is this game a NSFW game too?


I mean, yeah. Even tagged as such lol

Deleted 1 year ago

you can pay via itch io tho? ??

In case your problem has not yet been resolved, I would suggest just buying the game here on Itch. I opted to go that route when my steam version of the game became corrupted, after they removed it from the store.

Can anyone tell me how I can get the threesome scene between Lexy and holly but can't seem to select the option for no reason

When Holly asks if you like Lexi, tell her that you don't know 

During the tattoo scene you need to look at all parts of Holly's body and look at her breast 3 times 

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